So, yes, half term is upon us all too quickly. This was hastily put together with the help of the children. Well, we rapidly chose some things to eat, then I've organised them into set days to fit into our week. Not that we are up to much - we're not going away anywhere, we can't take Monkey swimming (he's in a cast until 5th June), and all we are doing is chilling out, and having friends over one day. That's all that's planned, apart from the odd party the children have to go to - this time of year is busy for friend's birthdays for both children.
This is what we have planned.
Monday - Prawn risotto
Tuesday - Corned beef pie
Wednesday - Mushroom stroganoff
Thursday - Lasagne, salad and garlic bread
Friday - Fish fingers
Saturday - Roast chicken
Sunday - Quesadillas (with leftover chicken possibly)
More meal planning loveliness is at Mrs M's which you can find by clicking the badge above. Have a good week.