Still holidays here although I have to work this week. No rest for the wicked! I opened out choices to everyone and the children came up trumps with a couple of ideas. We have one meal leftover from last week after I ended up taking the children on consecutive days to the Cake and Bake Show in Manchester so I was home late two days in a row. Monkey has discovered Filet-O-Fish recently so I now have to make a home alternative (*whispers* I'm buying pre-made fish burgers!) and Missy Woo asked for cauliflower cheese. I picked the rest - husband was no use whatsoever!
This is what we have.
Monday - Cauliflower cheese with jacket potatoes
Tuesday - Tandoori chicken with rice
Wednesday - Fish burgers in a bun (with tartare sauce) and chips
Thursday - Pea and new potato curry with naan
Friday - Creole jambalaya
Saturday - Mince and onions with mash (tho this might get turned into a pie!)
Sunday - keeping free
What are you having this week? Fingers crossed that it continues to get warmer now.
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