Monday, 21 May 2012
Meal Planning Monday - the vegetarian edition!
Today sees the start of National Vegetarian Week so in its honour, I'm cooking a week's worth of veggie meals. Well, kind of - Missy Woo is going to a party after school tonight and Monkey wants to play there so the grown ups are having leftovers from our Sunday roast for tea but apart from that, the week is vegetarian.
For a long time, I didn't eat meat. I never called myself vegetarian because I ate fish and seafood - but now I'd have the label pescatarian to call myself. We still eat veggie at least once a week and then a few weeks back, I came up with the idea of cooking veggie for the week and then discovered how soon National Vegetarian Week was. So this is totally off my own back - no-one has asked me to blog about it. I like cooking veggie things and so a lot of these meals are already firm favourites. There isn't a lot new because it is a very busy week - parties galore for the children, sports day and school fair on Friday afternoon and I am going to be in school all day on Tuesday as part of an interview panel for a new teacher. Eek!
So here's the plan:
Monday - leftovers for the grown ups, children out for tea
Tuesday - Mushroom burgers and sweet potato chips
Wednesday - Roast veggie moussaka with feta
Thursday - Squash, ricotta and sage pasta bake (tho the children will still be getting sandwiches)
Friday - Asparagus, mushroom and red onion quiche sans pate
Saturday - keeping free for now as the children are off to parties again
Sunday - Mixed vegetable curry with chickpea pancakes
I've realised after doing this plan that this is a lot of vegetables, a bit of dairy and not a lot else! Usually, I would choose at least one dish containing beans but I guess with it being almost summery (we're promised some warmer weather this week), they feel a bit wintery and these appealed more.
Are you having a veggie week this week? Tell me what you're having and then don't forget to check out Mrs M's place for more MPM entries.
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