
Monday, 2 September 2013

Meal Planning Monday - the post holiday holiday edition!

Meal Planning Monday No post for two weeks? Very bad blogger, me! But now, I'm back. Hello. This blog has been neglected and for that, I apologise. Maybe I'll blog about our holiday soon but it was good. Got back on Saturday and now husband has started his course. However, the children are still off this week so it's just me and them during the day.

Time indeed to get back to normal meal planning, which I did last night, honest guv but I got distracted by tennis (US Open) and the fact I was getting a new car today. Excited doesn't even cover it. I've had the same car for over 9 years!

I've included Monday's meal even though we've already eaten it because it was universally enjoyed and will be one I make again.

Eyes down..

Monday - Prosciutto and pesto fish gratin
Tuesday - Jamaican pork and kale stew (heavily adapted so not too hot and we have no kale!)
Wednesday - Cajun turkey gumbo (adapted again)
Thursday - Cauliflower cheese
Friday - Turkey chilli jackets
Saturday - out at a wedding reception
Sunday - Leftovers

If you want more meal planning inspiration, click on the badge above to take you to Mrs M's joint.
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