
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

And the Oscar goes to...


Well, not exactly. But after the Oscars a few weeks back, Warner Brothers sent me a box of goodies, which included my very own Oscar. OK, so it was a lollipop on a stick. I can dream. They actually sent me two lollipops, but I didn't want to boast.

What was also in the box was a selection of Oscar-winning films, the most recent being Midnight in Paris that won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay this year for Woody Allen, and stars Owen Wilson (bonus). Also included is The Blind Side, which I'm looking forward to as I've heard good things about it, and a 5 disc collectors edition of Gone with the Wind, a film so long that it runs over 2 discs.

I think popcorn consumption in this house may increase over the next few weeks...

(I was sent the above box of DVDs and lollipops by Warner Bros. I have not received any other compensation and I have not been told what to write.)
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