
Wednesday, 19 January 2011

My Fitness Story... - An Introduction

At the start of January, I wrote a post giving my tips for starting a fitness regime and some people said to me that maybe we could update in a few weeks. It led me to thinking how I could perhaps include more fitness on this blog - after all, it's one of the Five Fs and I'm painfully aware that I don't blog about it all that often. I don't feel my story is exciting to share with you at the moment although I'm planning an update of my (slow but steady) progress soon.

That was when I came up with the idea of asking people to submit posts about their own fitness story. I think fitness and weight loss is such a broad subject and there are so many different ways of doing it, good and bad, that just talking about what I do doesn't even scratch the surface. So, I asked on twitter if anyone would share their stories and a few people popped up expressing an interest so I've decided to give it a go. 

I want to cover as broad a range as possible. What I'm after is experiences of following a diet or starting a fitness regime, with a goal in mind. It doesn't have to be a great success. If it was a qualified success, or an abject failure, I want to hear those stories too - about what you learned from the experience, perhaps how it changed your ideas or outlook on diet and fitness, and how you moved on from that. It can be a recent experience or one from years ago. 

A lot of issues surrounding diet and fitness can be very personal so if you want the post to be published anonymously, I'm happy to do so. I'd prefer to know who you are, but I promise not to pass that on if you don't want. If you're happy to be named and you blog, I'll link to it in the post. You don't have to be a blogger to take part, of course. This is open to everyone to contribute stories. 

Of course, you may read a post and want to offer your experience of the same thing, particularly if yours was completely different. Please do leave a comment - they are always welcomed, positively encouraged in fact - or if you like, write your own post to be part of the "My Fitness Story..." series. 

So, if you think you have a story to tell, then please get in touch with me, either on Twitter or by email. I already have a couple of posts submitted to me, and a few more are being written. I plan to publish one or two posts a week, so I need stories to make this work! 

I hope you find this series interesting, thought-provoking and useful.  The first post will be published tomorrow - please take a look and give the poster some comment love if you can.

Thanks to Garry from The Blog Up North for making me a badge to accompany the series. 
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