Thursday, 30 June 2011

My Fitness Story... - The story so far, and a plea for more posts

I'm writing this late in the evening when for the first time, I've had to admit defeat. This week, I have no lovely guest post to share with you. I'm quite sad about that because until now, I've always managed to convince someone to tell their story.

If truth be known, I didn't know if it would last more than a few weeks so to get this far is fairly impressive. I've had 23 posts so far and they've ranged from light-hearted to deadly serious, those making small changes to those transforming their lives and coming back from the brink. We've had life-saving surgery and
gastric band surgery - which, let it be said, is by no means the easy option for losing weight.
I admire the bravery of those who have chosen to tell a story of which others might not approve. The determination of those overcoming serious illness to become fit and healthy people again, and those who have had large amounts of weight to lose and achieved it.

In fact, all my guest posters are awesome- firstly, for their courage in holding themselves up to public scrutiny (and I mean that even if they have remained anonymous), secondly in what they have achieved, and thirdly, in writing such engaging and interesting posts about their experiences. THAT is what I wanted My Fitness Story... to be about when I introduced it back in January. A sharing of experiences, good and bad.

So, it's kind of taking a holiday this week, this little series. Except there is this post, written by me. I'm not going to share a personal experience with you. What I am going to do is ask YOU to contribute posts. If you don't think you have a story to tell, tell your friends and point them at me.Experiences don't have to be all successes - a failure at something is often as telling and constructive as a a diet success.

If you want to get involved, just send me a message outlining your story. Then write it, send it with any photos you have to illustrate progress etc, and wait. You can be anonymous - either fully or partly. Totally up to you; I'll respect your wishes. If you're happy to, I'll include a link to your blog and/or your Twitter page.

I know lots of people really enjoy reading My Fitness Story... every week so please help if you can. Your support means a lot, and right now, I need that support to keep this going. We can do it! And thank you for supporting this feature. The stories featured so far has been completely inspirational.
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