In honour of her departure, another Twitter friend, Julia from What Will Julia Do Next? came up with the idea that we all give Victoria a virtual present before she goes. It has to be virtual because they have no space in their backpacks for anything other than absolute essentials. No space for fripperies and trinkets.
So, what do I choose for this lovely lady that hasn't already been done? She's been given music, a taste and smell of home, friendship (two lots actually), sleep, and a rousing send off by the Smalls already. I could give her cake but that would take up space, make a mess and go off. I could sing a song but I wouldn't inflict that on you. So, instead, I have two things to offer you, Victoria.
The first is a wish. Actually it's a blessing. An Irish one, for they frequently manage to have the best lines. It's a wish that I hope will set the tone of your trip.
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
The second is this:
It's your guardian angel, Victoria. One to watch over you and yours during your fantastic adventure. To keep you safe, and help you get things back on track when things do go wrong, as they inevitably will. To remind you that your friends back home are thinking of you and wishing you the best of times, and looking forward to your return.
Bon voyage, Victoria. Have a bloody great one, and keep in touch.